While some holidays linger longer than others, most of the images related to a season just last for that holiday. Take for instance the Easter Bunny, Santa, elves, Cupid, and the like. We pack and put these away in boxes (sometimes with great relief!) until the next year. Whereas angels are year round. They are with us 365 days out of the year and always play a role in the "big" holidays.
I have done a few interviews since starting this angel business. One thing that kind of tickles me is that most of the interviewers/reporters write that these angels are for Christmas. These angel stories are not just for Christmas. The angels, books, activities, and fun are year round - not just seasonal. The angels are for your families to make life more meaningful. Make lessons more meaningful, make holidays more meaningful, make family time more meaningful, and make everyday more meaningful. So, make your life more meaningful today by incorporating the angels into every season of the year. Every season of your family's lives. Don't put them in a box. Keep them out and engage them in special ways throughout your week. For you who are engaging the angel. Keep sending us pictures. Our hearts are touched when we see your kids hugging the angels and all the ways your angels are making your lives more meaningful. #angelsareeveryday #whereisyourangel
When we are protected from some kind of harm or imminent danger, we usually attribute our protection to God or His angels. Such was the case when a friend recently relayed to me their harrowing situation when they were driving home.
Here is how the story was told. He and his family were driving home on a 4-lane road. They had a green light and were moving right along. They were approaching the intersection and a car turned left in front of them. That car had plenty of time to turn left and there was no cause for alarm. It was the car behind that car who decided all of a sudden to turn left as my friend was approaching the intersection. As it was looking, he would have had a head on collision. My friend laid on the horn and the brakes. It was too late. As the car turning left was inches away from hitting them. My friend turned immediately into the right hand lane (fortunately no one was in that lane). The car making a left turn hit their brakes and their car started to spin and turn. Instead of applying the brakes, my friend sped up when going into the right lane. If he would have kept applying the brakes the other car would have ended up t-boning them. He's not sure if that car was hit by any other cars who might have been behind him. An accident was averted due to some quick thinking maneuvers and angelic protection. So, while you are on the road, be careful and watch out for the other guys. No need to work your angel more than you have to! #angels #protection #whereisyourangel Last weekend the NFL Jacksonville Jaguars almost beat the New England Patriots. The Jaguars were ahead for much of the game then lost in the end. I read an article where one of the Jaguars players was heard during the game saying that after the Jaguars scored they let the Patriots catch up by not keeping the pressure on them. The Jaguars got a little lax in their lead. The player said to his teammates, "We let them [Patriots] come back bro....It ain't nothing they do different. We let them."
How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? or your to-do list today? Have you let distractions or discouragement derail you? Did you eat that extra dessert when you said you weren't? Did you lose your temper and say something you regret? How have you let yourself get off track from your goals? or who have you let get you off course? Just like in football, when we have the ball and are ahead, we can't acquiesce the rest of the game. One touchdown doesn't guarantee a win. We have to be diligent the rest of the game and keep our eyes on the ball and head in the game. Putting pressure on the opposition until the game is over. If you can totally relate to the Jaguars, then let me encourage you today. Pick up the ball, refocus, remove distractions, and run for the end zone. Not everyone gets a touchdown when they have the ball. But all the players move in that direction and help each other towards the goal. Maybe your part is to pass the ball to the runner, or get 10 yards, or kick the ball through the goal posts. Whatever part you are playing, get in the game again and be resolute to not get sidelined by those "D" words (distractions, discouragement, disappointment). I'm cheering for you! #score #focus #notgettingdistracted For those of you who like to plan ahead, here's a heads up - Lent is 20 days away. Some families have told me they are going to engage their family's angel during Lent. That's a great idea!
Angels play a part of the Easter holiday. They were there with Jesus before He was taken prisoner (Luke 22:42-43) The angel rolled the stone away (Matthew 28:2). They were in the tomb when Mary came to be where they laid Jesus body (John 20:11-13). They appear all over the Easter story! So it's a perfect time to engage your angel and your family to make the season more meaningful. If you haven't started your angel's mission yet, go to "Shop Now" and be sure to get your angel before Lent. For those of you who are bringing your angel out for Lent, please tag us, share your pictures, and let us know how you are incorporating your angels. We love hearing from you! #angels #Easter #Lent Here's a delicious soup that I made that had us all licking our bowls clean! Next time, I plan to double the recipe. It's nice having leftovers and not having to cook all the time. It'll warm you up and your taste buds will thank you!
Broccoli Cheese Soup 16 oz. bag frozen broccoli florets (if you use fresh broccoli use 1 large head, stems removed) 8 oz. cheddar cheese (I like the extra sharp variety.) 1 small onion diced 1-2 T minced garlic (depends on how much you like garlic) 2 c. chicken or vegetable broth 1 c. milk or half and half (depends on how thick and creamy you like it; use half and half for a thicker soup) dash of salt dash of pepper (I like white pepper but you can use either one.) Optional ingredient - 1 c. shredded carrots 1. Over medium heat saute the onions in olive oil until al dente then add garlic. Stirring frequently for another minute. 2. In a medium sauce pan or stock pot (if you double the recipe) pour the broth, milk OR half and half, salt and pepper in. Bring to a gentle boil. Then add cheese, onions and garlic, and broccoli. If you are including carrots in the soup add the carrots too. 3. Reduce heat to medium and stir until cheese is melted. 4. Reduce heat to simmer, cover, and let soup simmer for 5-10 minutes until broccoli is cooked. Stirring occasionally. Add angel biscuits or Red Lobster biscuits to make this meal yummier. Angel biscuit recipes are on our Pinterest page (www.pinterest.com/whereisyourangel.com) Red Lobster biscuits can be made at home using their mix found in grocery stores or by going to the restaurant and ordering some. Enjoy as you warm up your insides! #comfortfood #angelbiscuit #soup Not sure if it's me or if it's really happening. It quite possibly could be the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. You see lately I've been seeing "angels" everywhere. For example, earlier today I went to the store to get some cosmetics. While reaching to get my regular mascara, I saw the new "Push Up Angel" version mascara. Oh my word! Of course it came home with me instead of the one I usually buy.
After going down another aisle, there was an Angel Pez! I couldn't believe it either. So, of course, the Angel Pez went in my cart too. And I don't even eat Pez anymore. Now the Angel Pez is perched on my desk. If you haven't guessed by now, the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon is similar to synchronicity which basically says, "once your mind thinks about something you pretty much see it everywhere." It is also known as "frequency illusion" or "recency illusion." It's quite fascinating. Or should I say quite phenomenal? Tell me what frequency illusions you have had in your life. Has it been angels? or maybe a car? Happy synchronicity! #angels #synchronicity #baadermeinhof We are looking for some human angels to bless children who are sick or are going through trying times. We are looking for some angels, whether individuals, corporations or foundations, who would invest in sending comforting angels to children and families who are facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles and situations in their lives. Individuals or foundations who would give these families hope and comfort.
If you or someone you know or work for is interested in children's causes, and would like to help send some love and hope, then please contact us and we will share how you can help. Thank you for being human angels on earth and helping take care of your fellow man. Love someone today, in thought or in deed. It will spread joy! #foundations #hope #angels Today we aptly honor Martin Luther King, Jr. The Baptist preacher whose peaceful protests paved the way for the spiritual prosperity of a nation.
Martin was a godly man who feared and loved his Lord and His Word. His strong convictions for whites and blacks to eat together, drink from the same water fountain, work and play together without issue was paramount to turning the tide of race relations in our country. He preached godly truths from his pulpit and platform. He stood on the shoulders of other black Christians who went before him like Marian Anderson and Jackie Robinson. His life and legacy opened the doors for my sisters and brothers of color to come to my house, to worship with me, pray with me, and befriend me without suspicion or fear of harm. Once we visited an all black church in the black part of town. We stuck out like sore thumbs but we were welcomed. We were able to go there and worship with them without whispers. I especially was tickled when a little black boy in the kid's room said to me, "We don't get no whites here." Then the worker in the room hushed him. I smiled and said, "I'm sure you don't. We're glad to be here." So, today, let's honor Martin Luther King, Jr.'s faith and steadfastness. Not with minced words filled with sarcasm. But with his own words and prayers of godly reconciliation. Here's an excerpt from his sermon titled, "A Christian Movement In A Revolutionary Age." "When Moses walked into the courts of Pharoah and thundered forth with the call to 'Let my people go', he introduced into history the concept of a God who was concerned about the freedom and dignity of all His children and who was willing to turn heaven and earth that freedom might be a reality. Throughout the history of Israel as recorded in the Old Testament, we see God active in the affairs of men, struggling relentlessly against the forces of evil that beset them and seeking to mold a people who will serve as His children, as partners in the building of His kingdom here on earth. The God of our fathers is a God of revolution." Amen. The full text of this sermon can be read by going to: http://www.thekingcenter.org/archive/document/christian-movement-revolutionary-age #reconciliation #martinlutherkingjr #Christians Has your angel's mission started yet? One of the reasons we started this series of angel book sets is to get people to think about making life more meaningful and having more meaning in their lives.
Hmm...what do angels have to do with meaningful? Let's think about that for a moment. When you first started to think about or become aware of angels did that put a damper on your day? or did it make the day a bit brighter? Usually the answer is it made the day brighter. So, if you bottle that bright up and open it each time you touch your angel, read one of the angel books, or do one of the angel activities, wouldn't you want to do it more? and share it with family, friends, co-workers, everyone? Our lives are full of opportunities to be really busy. Lots of hustle and hurry. Things calling out for our attention and sometimes even screaming so loud it's obnoxious and unbearable. Starting your angel's mission is a simple reminder that you are not in this alone. You are not left to your own devices to figure it all out without guidance and love. Our Creator gave us angels to help along the way. That's just how He is - faithful, loving, merciful. Need more meaning in your life? Want to make life more meaningful? Then get your angel book set and start your angel's mission today. Instructions included with every purchase (go to "Shop Now"). We are here to help make it more meaningful. #missionstarted #angels #meaningful Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
But inside it can be delightful. When you make this chili to eat, Your body will warm up with its heat. In case you haven't guessed it yet, Friday's Fixin is chili. Chili is such a great all-in-one meal. You've got the beans, meat, tomatoes, herbs, and just about anything else you want to put in there. Here is my "throw it all together" chili recipe. The recipe is meant to be followed loosely. Feel free to add a little more or a little of less of something to your liking. This is supposed to be a no-stress recipe. Chili 1/2 lb. turkey burger meat or ground turkey 1 c. chopped onions (sweet or yellow or whatever onion you've got) 16 oz. can dark red kidney beans drained (the darker the better for you) 16 oz. can red beans drained 15.25 oz. can whole kernel corn (I get the reduced sodium.) 28 oz. can petite diced tomatoes (or whatever can of tomatoes you've got) 1-2 T. powdered garlic (add more if you love garlic, add less just for flavor) 1 T. mustard seeds 1 T. cumin 1/2 t.- 1 T. fennel seeds (depends on how much you like fennel) 1/4 c. Bragg's Liquid Aminos (if you don't have this, it's ok - this time - put it on your grocery list and keep some in your house - it's multi-purpose, flavorful, and good for you) Brown turkey meat in skillet with onions, 1/2 the garlic, and the fennel seeds. When cooked, put it in a pot, and add all remaining ingredients. Drain all cans EXCEPT the tomatoes and corn. Pour the entire contents (liquid and all) of the tomatoes and corn. Stir together. Bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Stirring occasionally. Simmer 10-15 mins. Tips - If you like it more soupy, add water. If you like it thick, drain the can of corns. You can add ketchup (1/4-1/2 c.) or bbq sauce (1/4-1/2 c.) to your liking and/or add 1 t. oregano. I like to add several seasonings. My husband says you can have too many and miss the flavors of them. Either way, make it edible for you and your family and friends. Put crackers on the table, cheddar cheese, sour cream, and some fresh chives if you've got 'em. These all add to the meal. If you want to get really fancy, you can always make a corn bread bowl to put the chili in. But that's another blog post... Stay warm and enjoy! #chili #warm #fixins |
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