A good rule of thumb to keep your sanity, maintain calm, and have peace is to realize that when seemingly dark times come it is not the end of the story.
The Easter story carries that same theme. It didn't end on the cross. That's good news for all! Jesus rose from the dead, busted out of the grave, and folded his burial clothes. (His Momma raised Him right.) Then He walked around for 40 days after He rose. So read this poem each day until the day of His ascension. In celebration that the story didn't end on the cross we have our annual Easter celebration poem to share. It's Empty! by Evangeline B. White 4.2.18 The day started somber on the way to the tomb. Spices in hand, grieving hearts, a sense of doom. The earth shook suddenly, a violent quake. An angel came down and some noise he did make. The guards were first to see this marvelous sight. As the stone was rolled away by the angel's might. Like dead men the guards froze and fell. Then scurried to the priests their story to tell. The women went in to the tomb to see Their Savior called Jesus from Galilee. His body was gone. The tomb was empty. Two angels appeared and said, “He is risen from the dead!” In wonder the women went out to tell the men What they heard, saw, and where they had been. In amazement Peter and John ran ahead, To see if it was just as the women had said. Inside the tomb only linen clothes lay, Folded and neat; then the men went away. Jesus appeared to the women with greetings. Then along the road and in the midst of a meeting. Jesus is alive and holds in His hand, Keys to death and hell, under His command. Good news to all, to all who will hear. The Savior has risen, no need to fear. Respond to His knock and answer His call. His blood paid the price because of the fall. You can find the stories in this poem outlined in Matt. 28, Luke 24, John 20, Rev. 1:18 #Easter #risen #goodnews #nottheend #Jesus #angels #whereisyourangel #hosanna
![]() During Holy Week today is one of the most solemn and somber days. It is the day Jesus was crucified on the cross for our sins. The Jewish leaders of that day were in a rush to crucify Jesus before the Sabbath, which for Jews is sundown on Friday. So on the Thursday before Easter Jesus hung on a cross to make atonement for us. No matter how dark your days may be Easter Sunday - Resurrection Sunday - is coming! Ps. 30:5b says "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." That verse is very apropos for the three days Christ was in the tomb until he rose. Every year at this time I post my poem about that sacred night. May you meditate on its significance and meaning. Darkest Hours by Evangeline B. White On the Mount drops fell from His forehead down Sweat and blood dripped when no one was around. The others fell asleep, unable to pray It was the beginning of the darkest day. An angel came down and ministered to Jesus Gave Him strength for the price He'd pay to free us. The crowd who praised Him the week before Came to betray Him, honor Him no more. With swords and false words they came to indict Rome against the Savior, yet He withheld His might. His disciples scattered no more in sight They thought this wasn't good and shrunk in fright. Brought before Pilate and Herod He was beaten, mocked, insulted, spit upon because Darkness reigned during those hours When the Son of God relinquished His powers. Angels could have come at the sound of His voice But they watched and waited as this was God's choice. Women mourned and wailed for the cross was His fate On His shoulders sat the whole world's weight. A crown of thorns was forced upon His head The charge against Him, "King of the Jews" it read. His skin ripped apart from His head to His feet Beyond recognition He had been beat. With a final cry He breathed His last breath It was the darkest day, the Savior's death. #Easter #crucify #crucifixion #Jesus #passover #holyweek #sin #atonement #angels #whereisyourangel When you prepare Easter dinner do you include a food that has special meaning to you? For the last few years our family has been making Resurrection Rolls. These rolls have a story to tell - a miracle of Easter story.
The ingredients are simple, yet profound. The rolls are easy to make, even for your toddlers. While you are getting out the ingredients and preparing to make the rolls you will explain the significance of each item. Marshmallows are the first ingredient. The whiteness of the marshmallow represents Jesus. Pure and holy. No sin or wrong was found in Him. The second ingredient is melted butter. As you roll the marshmallow in the butter you can mention how sin tried to stick itself to Jesus. He was tempted many times. But sin did not win. Next you will roll the buttered marshmallow in the mixture of cinnamon and sugar. (We also like to add nutmeg.) The rolling of the marshmallow in this mixture is much like when Jesus' friends put oil and spices on His body for His burial. The last ingredient is the triangular crescent roll. The triangle represents the triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Place the spiced marshmallow into the crescent triangle and seal it up. Much like Jesus body was wrapped in cloths - one for his face, one for his body. Seal the crescent on all sides then place on a baking tray. Repeat the story. Have your kids tell you the story as they dip, roll, and seal. Ask them questions. Answer their questions. As you put the rolls in the oven you can mention how the oven is like the tomb Jesus was buried in. The oven door is like the stone that was put in front of the tomb. Just as we would not open the door to a hot oven so too no one could (easily) move the stone from His tomb. The rolls will take about 12 minutes to bake. The same number as Jesus' disciples! I told you these were pretty meaningful rolls. Once the rolls have baked an amazing thing has happened. Before biting into the rolls or cutting into them, tell your kids what happened when the stone was rolled away from the tomb. It was empty! Jesus was not there!! He rose from the dead. It's the miracle of Easter! The rolls are empty just like Jesus' tomb! The marshmallow has melted and what is left is the sweet taste of salvation. Take pictures and tag us at #whereisyourangel. #resurrectionrolls #miracle #Easter #tomb #Jesus #meaningful #kids #family #angels #whereisyourangel #story One of the most memorable things to do at Easter is to color Easter eggs. Maybe you default to the PAAS color tablets or another favorite go-to. Last year I came across an article that offered a messier way to dye eggs. It looked like fun so we gave it a try. This is what we found.
The premise is to create what looks like tie dye eggs. While the eggs are boiling, take out a cookie sheet and put a layer of Cool Whip on the bottom. Then take some food coloring and sporadically squeeze drops of different colored food coloring over the Cool Whip. It should like a bunch of multi-colored polka dots. Then you can take a toothpick, knife, or something else similar and start to swirl around the dots. Make sure not to mix the color in. You are going for a lots of swirls look. When the eggs are just about cold, roll them around the Cool Whip creation. Then let the eggs sit there for 15-60 minutes. While the eggs are taking a dye bath you can talk a walk or bake some Easter goodies. Our eggs last year turned out to be a pretty pastel groovy color. It was a fun way to do something different. Take pictures of your best Cool Whip egg and send them to us! #Easterangeleggs #Easter #Jesus #eggs #color #coolwhip #memorable #tradition #fun #Eastereggs #angels #whereisyourangel This week marks Holy Week - the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. Are you looking for something meaningful to commemorate this time? Last night our family lit candles and put them in the shape of a cross. Each night we will light one less candle out until Friday when there are no more to light.
This Wednesday is Passover. It's the day Jews remember their deliverance from Egypt by putting the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their homes. This act caused the destroyer to pass over their houses and bring them no harm. Maundy Thursday marks the day Jesus was crucified. Good Friday is the traditional Jewish Sabbath. And Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, is this Sunday! For our candle cross we used tea lights. Something simple and nothing fancy. Our kids are on a rotating schedule to blow the candles out each night, which creates more peace. The rest of this week I will share more Holy Week ideas with you including a new way to dye eggs. As you reflect on this sacred week, may its meaning become more alive to you. #Easter #cross #holyweek #familyactivity #light #kids #meaning #sacred #angels #whereisyourangel #Jesus #passover #goodfriday |
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