Today is the last day of our look back at some of the more popular blog posts from this year. This blog post was posted in November and is titled, "Meaningful Monday." The most popular blog post for the month of December was the Christmas poem we posted last week Friday 12.22.17.
May you all have a safe and Happy New Year! Without further ado, here is November's popular blog post: As we gear up for more "busy" over the next six-seven weeks, let's pause so that the meaning of this week and the season doesn't escape us leaving us spent. My youngest (who gives me some great dramatic stories to tell) said this one day when he was told to pick up his cars, "I need to play cars NOW because when I'm a dad I won't get to play cars because dads don't play cars." As I was musing what he said, I started feeling guilty. Not a false sense of guilt but guilt that leads to truth. Even though he didn't say it outright, he was speaking volumes to my heart. How often do my husband or I sit down and play with the kids in their room on the floor? Not as much as when they were littler. We (or rather I) plan our days and there is not much "pause time". We have sports, school events, work, Trail Life, church, doctor appointments, parties to plan and go to, grocery shopping, laundry, YMCA, and the list goes on and on and on... So one day out of the blue instead of going into their room to tell them to do something (clean up for dinner, get ready for school, pick up toys, etc.), I went in and sat down on the floor. I asked if I could play with them and they said, "Yes." It was enjoyable playing with them and being in their world. This is what I need to do more often. Do what interests them, not just what's on my agenda. I made the decision to invest "pause time" with them now so that when they are older they will have "pause time" with me. It is what relationships are built on - meaningful moments together. So while you are making your plans for the rest of this year, put some "pause time" in there. Your body, mind, and family will thank you. "Be still (have pause time) and know (let it sink into your thoughts) that I AM God (there is none other)..." Ps. 46:10 "Be silent, Oh all flesh, (shhh! my busy mind and schedule) before the Lord..." Zech. 2:13 #pausetime #bestill #meaningful
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